Tips on Waking up Early, ROTC and More

City Never Sleeps by Emily Goldblum

Rise and Shine

This might be the last week of classes but don’t waste your break sleeping the days away. You can get more accomplished by waking up early.  An article on the website Apartment Therapy offers tips for dragging yourself out of bed that are more helpful than setting your alarm across the room. Apparently sipping water right when you wake up stimulates your system. Think about all you can do waking up at 7 AM instead of noon.  Click here for the article.

Be the Next Colin Powell

The ROTC stands for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, if you didn’t know, and it’s a college-based, four-year program to ready commissioned officers to serve in the United States armed forces. CCNY alum Colin Powell trained to be a general in the ROTC. This program has been missing from CUNY for decades (since 1960 when it was expelled from campuses during protests against the Vietnam War.  Now it’s coming back after being well-received at York College. The classes on military science will be offered next Fall. Read about the program in the NY Post.

Sing! Monday, December 10, 2012

Attend a concert of 20th-century pop music in Shepard Hall room 95 at 2 p.m. Click here.

RAP! Tuesday, December 11, 2012

RSVP to  [email protected] or call (212) 650-5100 to attend the End of the Semester Party (sponsored by the RAP-SI Mentoring Program). The event will be from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in room NAC 1/509. Yes, there will be free food, along with raffles and games.