York to Build First NCAA Level Track and Field in Southeast Queens

YORK COLLEGE–Decades after the old track and field on Liberty Avenue was padlocked because shoddy construction led to massive sinkholes, York College finally broke ground on a new $7.8 million 400-meter running track facility in late June on what will be the first-ever National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) level track and field in Southeast, Queens. 

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards said the facility is an investment in York College’s students. It will help its athletes prepare for competitions and its students to take part in exercise. 

“It is also an investment in the residents of Southeast Queens, who will be able to use this facility for their own recreational and sports activities,” said Richards. “It’s about time that our schools and our residents had the same kind of amenities that any other community has. The construction of this state-of-the-art track and field facility will help ensure just that.” The project will also feature a soccer field in its center, long jump runway strips and a pole-vaulting runway. This project will also allow York College to host NCAA-level events.