Galanter Elected as New CLAS Student Government President
BROOKLYN COLLEGE – Two takes on the student elections.
Galanter Elected as New CLAS Student Government President Read MoreNews and features from CUNY's undergraduate student journalists
BROOKLYN COLLEGE – Two takes on the student elections.
Galanter Elected as New CLAS Student Government President Read MoreBARUCH COLLEGE–After a “soft vote, ” the USG e-board made an executive decision to shorten the public notice period to a week for a newly opened representative senator seat.
Dimcevski’s Departure Leads To ‘Unconstitutional’ Executive Decision Read MoreBARUCH COLLEGE–“We’re gonna make USG great again,” said incoming president Radhika Kalani.
Kalani And Project Now Sweep A Largely Uncontested Election Read MoreBROOKLYN COLLEGE–Funding conversations continue for a new CUNY school for Labor and Urban Studies.
School Reps Look Towards City for Funds Read MoreDATELINE: CUNY–“Will CUNY have the money to settle a lawsuit before they have the funding to fix the cause?,” asked one student at the town hall-like event.
Students Face Lawmakers with Complaints of a Crumbling CUNY Read MoreCITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK–The student paper took home accolades for “Editorial Cartooning” and “Photo Illustration. “
CCNY’s The Campus Receives SPJ Honors Read More