No Classes Tuesday, Registering for Spring and Info for 10/31/2012

City Never Sleeps by Emily Goldblum

Classes and Activities are Cancelled on Tuesday!

So for everyone who had three papers due tomorrow you have slightly more time to get them all done. Unless, of course, your professors are e-mailing you and letting you know you have to send your paper in via e-mail. In that case, you better find some time today to get it done before you lose power.

CCNY’s site confirms it.

If you want an accurate update on where Sandy is and what’s happening in her wake, here’s a quick link to the Weather Channel.

What Your Teachers Always Forget to Mention:

Ok, so you want to know when you’ll be able to register for Spring? I’ll lead you to the right direction. Click here to find out the time and date you’ll be able to register for your Spring 2013 Courses.

Winter Courses, on the other hand, aren’t up yet. No information is! We’ll keep you updated.

So, Hurricane Sandy has caused numerous events to cancel this week. Any day after Tuesday seems like the most ‘stable’ according to every weather channel in NY, so here’s a few for then:


6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

This one is actually at The Towers, come on, the walk from campus isn’t that far. Imagine the great amount of trees you’ll see fallen over in St. Nicholas Park on the way over.

Here, click for info.

A Personal Brand Workshop
Joe Pantigoso,  Director and Branding Specialist at SAP, has twenty years worth of experience to share with anyone who’s interested in marketing themselves. He’s coming in Nov. 1st (Thursday) from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in Shepard Hall 291. PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America)  is hosting this event but its open to the MCA Department and beyond.