Website Overhaul Delays Transparency on Student Technology Fee

QUEENS COLLEGE–Queens College students have been wondering where their Student Technology Fee (STF) has been allocated for the past three academic years, as officials have not posted a detailed plan since the 2019-20 academic year. The STF was established in 2002 to enhance college teaching and learning through technology. The STF is mandatory for all students and collects approximately $5.5 million annually, with each full-time undergraduate student paying $125 every semester, according to the Queens College website. However, there has been no information released for students to learn about how the school has allocated the fees.

The Office of Communications and Marketing released a statement in September 2020 highlighting how the STF supported essential campus services in response to the shift to virtual learning posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these virtual services included weekly meditation workshops, strength and fitness workshops and the Student Leadership Summit. However, it remains unclear how the fees were allocated since then, especially with the return to in-person classes starting in Fall 2021.